• Are you struggling with period pain, troublesome period symptoms, irregular cycles, intense PMS, or other menstrual issuesand are so sick of doctors telling you it's normal?

    Whether it's been years or decades of trying to fix your period problems, you're done with the medical gaslighting, you're done with "this is your new normal," you're done with the pill and other band-aid solutions.


    You're ready to throw away everything others have told you about periods and listen to your body for the first time.

  • I know it feels overwhelming trying to piece together the puzzle of your reproductive health on your own.

    I know it feels overwhelming trying to piece together the puzzle of your reproductive health on your own. It's so frustrating to be in a body that seems to only keep adding more symptoms, more intensity, new struggles.


    When you don't know why your body is doing this, what it means, or what you can do about it, it's not only overwhelming; it's isolating and even terrifying.

  • What would it be like to instead know how your body communicates with you?

    What if you could respond to your body's needs without needing a doctor to interpret your symptoms for you? What if you didn't have to dread your period every month, knowing that you had the tools and resources to support yourself, whatever symptoms come your way? What if you understood cycle from beginning to end, and knew how to take care of yourself in each different phase, journeying your cycle with ease, month after month?


    Imagine what is possible when you feel deeply in tune with your body.

Hi, I'm Elizabeth!

My period pain was so severe that I spent two days every month curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor, debilitated by pain, nausea, headaches, and more.

Doctors told me the pill was my only option for relief, but on the pill I experienced intense mood swings and impaired mental health, which had an even bigger negative impact on my life than the period pain.


Fast forward a couple of years, and after I gave birth to my daughter, my OBGYN asked if I wanted an IUD at my 6-week postpartum visit. He said, "Most women enjoy not having a period," and honestly, I was sold. That was our entire conversation around the IUD and its impact on my body.


I understand what it's like to have completely unmanageable periods, with very few options for improvement. I have also experienced what it's like to sit in doctor's office after doctor's office and to be told the same things over and over again: It's normal; here's a pill; here's an IUD; nothing's wrong; there's nothing we can do.


Thankfully, I found menstruality work and now experience my periods entirely differently: my periods are now pockets of rest, pain-free days I honestly look forward to.


And I have also learned just how much my full menstrual cycle matters in my daily life, so now I trust my body, understand how to support myself and drastically reduce symptoms, and no longer look outside myself for answers to my body's symptoms.


My menstrual cycle is now my greatest ally, a treasured source of wisdom and insight, and my guide to living a deeply fulfilling life in tune with the rhythm of my body. Menstruality work has been the key to unlocking a door I didn't even realize I had closed off inside myself; I finally see my body as a blessing and no longer a curse.

Transform Your Relationship withYour Cycle

  • 1:1  Coaching

    Dive deeply into your womb healing journey with highly customized personal support. Discover how to make your cycle your greatest ally in your everyday life.


    -3 Month Package

    -6 Month Package

    Let's Chat About Your Cycle 
  • Group Coaching Programs

    Journey in a structured container with the added community of others also on the path to womb reclamation and deeper self-connection.

    -Upcoming Program:
    SOVEREIGN: Menstruality As a Healing Tool for Ex-Mormons

    Join Our Next Group Program 
  • Workshops & Events

    Come learn about your cycle and how to live in alignment with your cyclical rhythmthe period education you didn't know you needed! Each workshop or event explores a singular aspect of menstrual cycle awareness; there's something for everyone.


    -First Moon Circles
    -Utah County In-Person Events
    -Virtual Workshops
    -Digital Courses
    -Moon Cycle Reclamation Backpacking Retreats

    Learn About Cycles and Beyond 
  • Period Self-Care Subscription Box

    Transform that time of the month from "yikes" to "yay!" with a My Club Red period self-care subscription box designed to create a monthly mini-retreat while you bleed.


    -Monthly Subscription

    -3-month Subscription

    -MINI Subscription

    Elevate Your Period 

Finally Befriend Your Menstrual Cycle

I specialize in helping women and menstruators connect to their cyclicality
in a way you've likely never experienced before.

1:1 menstrual cycle coaching with me is not a one-size-fits-all solution,
nor is it a quick fix for chronic issues. 

Instead, it's a deep, personalized exploration of your experience of your cycle,
your relationship with your cycle, the traumas and vulnerabilities you uniquely navigate,
and of course, the empowering reclamation of your cycle as a source of your deepest wisdom.

Together we might explore how your hormones impact your daily life,
discover the language your body is using to communicate with you, examine the effect of
lifestyle choices, learn how to support your nervous system, and so much more
all tailored to your unique needs and healing journey.

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Is Coaching Right For You?

Menstrual cycle coaching is right for you if you're…

  • No longer satisfied with medical options as the only options
  • Looking for a long-term solution to your cycle concerns
  • Ready to explore a different path to wellness that doesn't look like pills or surgery
  • Eager to transform your understanding of and relationship with your full menstrual cycle
  • Longing for the guidance, support, and resources of an experienced practitioner so you don't have to do this alone

Ready to get started?

We'll start with a free 30-minute curiosity call where we will chat about your needs and goals,
you can ask any questions, and we can make sure it's a good fit.

Then you'll decide if you'd like 3 months or 6 months of 1:1 support. I also offer a limited number of spotlight sessions per month. See below for investments and inclusions.

To set up your free curiosity call, click the button below to get on my calendar.

  • Skeptical about how coaching can improve your cycle?

    I get it; menstrual cycle coaching is not exactly something you hear about everyday. New approaches may feel daunting, especially in a culture that has medicalized female bodies. But the medical system is failing you, and it's time to step outside the typical solutions.

  • Concerned about the financial investment?

    Instead of facing mountains of medical bills, or paying for endless supplements, trends, or quick fixes, you're investing in a new way of understanding your body. To make this work as accessible as possible, I offer interest-free payment plans for financial flexibility.

  • Not sure if now is the right time for you to start coaching?

    It can be daunting to start down a new path of healing, especially if your life is already full. Coaching itself doesn't require a big time commitment, but the time and effort you put in to prioritizing your menstrual health now can lead to invaluable long-term benefits in overall well-being and quality of life.

Elizabeth is a certified menstrual cycle coach through the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine-accredited Menstrual Coach Academy.

Learn More