1:1 Menstrual Cycle Support

Sounds familiar?

Are you struggling with period pain, troublesome period symptoms, irregular cycles, intense PMS, or other menstrual issuesand are no longer willing to use hormonal birth control as a band-aid solution?

Do you find yourself frustrated that you aren't able to accomplish the same amount of tasks every single day, or exercise as hard every day, wondering what's wrong with yourself, thinking, "Why can't I just be consistent?"

Do you feel like you always have a million things to do every day, no time or energy to do it all, and know you're headed for burnout?

Are you feeling disconnected from your cyclebewildered by symptoms, overwhelmed with self-diagnosing, wishing someone would help you make sense of it all?

Do you find yourself wishing you no longer had to be at war with your body?

Are you ready for a life with more flow, ease, and support catered to your cyclicality?

Let me help you come home to yourself.

I'm Elizabeth Tidwell, a menstrual cycle coach who specializes in helping women and menstruators connect to their cyclicality in a way they've likely never experienced before.

1:1 menstrual cycle coaching with me is not a one-size-all solution, nor is it a quick fix for chronic issues.

Instead, it's a deep, personalized exploration of your experience of your cycle, your relationship with your cycle, the traumas and vulnerabilities you uniquely navigate, and of course, the empowering reclamation of your cycle as a source of your deepest wisdom.

Together we might explore how your hormones impact your daily life, discover the language your body is using to communicate with you, examine the effect of lifestyle choices, learn how to support your nervous system, and so much moreall tailored to your unique needs and healing journey.

I'm Ready For This Transformation

Live in harmony with your body

We live in a society that does not value cyclicality; instead, it operates on the male 24-hour hormonal pattern as the default and asks us to compress and contort ourselves to fit into that box.

But now we're waking up to the fact that we don't have to live that way.

We can honor our own natural rhythm, support the ways our hormonal pattern shows up in our daily lives, and work with that as an incredible asset, not a liability.

The first step is learning this vital body literacy that so many of us have never been taught:

Our body's needs, hormonal patterns, strengths, capacities, vulnerabilities, and so much more are informed by our menstrual cycle.

Imagine the difference it will make when you understand the language of your body. The needs of your body. The patterns of your own unique body.

This is the foundation of what we will do together in our 1:1 sessions.

My Approach

  • I believe you are the expert on your own body, not me. (Although it may take time for some to step into that authority, which is perfectly okay and something I can help you with.)

  • Sessions with me prioritize your needs, well-being, growth, and safety. Many of us have stored trauma in our wombs, and I will gently hold space for growth at your own pace. You are always able to opt out of any exercise or question.

  • Our bodies are always communicating with us about our lives and experiences, so I take a wide view of your circumstances, rather than a narrow focus on symptoms alone. We explore all facets of your life experiences for opportunities to learn and heal.

  • There are as many paths to healing as there are people. I firmly believe in individual choice and individual authority, so you will never be expected to fit into any boxes. Everything is catered to your unique needs.

  • I have many other modalities I may draw upon to support you in our sessions, if you choose, including Reiki energy work, Yoga Nidra, guided meditations, writing prompts, ceremonies, and more.
I Can't Wait To Get Started

Ready to get started?

We'll start with a free 30-minute curiosity call where you can ask any questions, we will chat about your needs and goals, and we can make sure it's a good fit.

Then you'll decide if you'd like 3 months or 6 months of 1:1 support. I also offer a limited number of spotlight sessions per month. See below for investments and inclusions.

To set up your free curiosity call, click the button below to get on my calendar.

  • Spotlight Session

    $222 USD

    • 1 (1-hour) 1:1 session. All calls will be held on Zoom.
    • 1 (30-minute) follow-up call. Scheduled two weeks after our initial session.
    • Digital resources from our session.
    I Want To Book A Single Session 
  • 3 Months

    1 payment of $897 USD

    OR 3 payments of $299 USD

    • 6 (1-hour) 1:1 sessions. All calls will be held on Zoom, and we'll meet every two weeks.
    • Weekdays chat support. Ask questions, get guidance, support, or my listening ear between sessions via WhatsApp.
    • Digital resources from our sessions.
    • 1 My Club Red period self-care box. I'll mail a period love box right to your doorstep, too!
    I'm Ready For 3 Months Support 
  • 6 Months

    1 payment of $1,777 USD

    OR 3 payments of $593 USD

    • 12 (1-hour) 1:1 sessions. All calls will be held on Zoom, and we'll meet every two weeks.
    • Weekdays chat support. Ask questions, get guidance, support, or my listening ear between sessions via WhatsApp.
    • Digital resources from our sessions.
    • 1 My Club Red period self-care box. I'll mail a period love box right to your doorstep, too!
    I'm Ready For 6 Months Support